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What's New in Issue 2

What's New in Issue 2

Volume I, Issue 2, December 2001

Happy International Year of Volunteers 2001! After all the planning, here we are. e-Volunteerism is committed to offering a forum throughout 2001-- and way beyond -- for all of the issues confronting the global volunteer community, as well as for celebrating our diverse work.

We have been delighted by the response to our inaugural issue, and we are watching our subscriber list grow. Thank you to everyone who has posted responses on the site and has helped to spread the word on- and off-line. We hope you will enjoy Issue 2 as much as Issue 1.

e-Volunteerism is pleased to welcome Jamie Preston as our new Managing Editor. She has stepped into this position with enthusiasm and skill. Jamie's the one who will respond to your e-mails to:

In our promotional description of e-Volunteerism, we promise experimentation with technology. In this issue you'll find our first foray into audiotaping. Our goal is to capture live interviews on-site at events, allowing our readers to become listeners when key leaders have something to say. This first attempt was a learning experience--testing both new equipment and a novice audio technician (Susan). We're work on improving sound quality, but think that you'll immediately see the potential of this remarkable technology.

Finally, you will see two new sections that will be regular feature areas from now on:Research to Practice, edited by Jeff Brudney and Nancy Macduff, and All-Volunteer Groups, edited by Melissa Eystad.


We continue to ask for your input, suggestions, and comments. e-Volunteerism is a collective effort. Please join in.

Steve McCurley and Susan J. Ellis
Founding Publishers

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