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A Look at Internet Tools for Managing Volunteers

A Look at Internet Tools for Managing Volunteers

The Internet now offers a fascinating array of tools and techniques for managing volunteers – VolunteerMatch, Facebook, blogs, Vlogs, Wikis, Twitter and many others.  In this Along the Web, we take a look at these and other cutting-edge tools.  After a quick research review on how volunteer groups use the Internet, we’ll look at all of these new online techniques. We’ll provide references that explain how to use them, along with some examples of volunteer programs that are already making the brave attempt.

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Sun, 06/21/2009
Thanks, David. I'd actually seen the report, but was holding it for the upcoming Along the Web which features corporate volunteer programs. And I might just list it again because it's a very interesting evaluation of the different resources for corporations and one of the few that lists both good points and bad ones.