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Chris Jarvis

Chris Jarvis is a co-founder and partner of Realized Worth, a leading consulting firm specializing in employee volunteering and workplace giving programs. Jarvis works with companies to design and implement corporate citizenship programs which engage employees.

Over the past 20 years, Chris has worked alongside nonprofit organizations -  ranging from urban centers in North America to the slums of Kibera, Kenya - to develop their volunteer programs. He brings those insights with him in his consultation with Fortune 500 companies. Says Jarvis:

"Information and action are inseparable for me. I dive headlong into the facts of a problem until I’ve discovered a solution that works – and facilitated the implementation of that solution. This drive is what led to my 20 years of work alongside nonprofit organizations from North America to Kibera, Kenya. With each new experience, I was presented with information that led to a logical step, a sustainable solution and another experience. It’s why I’m where I am today. Companies hold inside their walls the ability to change the world – and I can help them do that. But it’s not only about strategy and information. I believe we’re all capable of something a little greater. Companies, for example, have some good ideas when it comes to CSR and volunteering….but they’re not good enough. What energizes me is transforming something good into something extraordinary"

Jarvis lives in Toronto, Canada, spends a ton of time in Indianapolis, Indiana, where his kids live, and admits a "special affinity to good scotch and epic storylines."