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Models for Wider Collaboration, Part 2

Models for Wider Collaboration, Part 2

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Thu, 01/18/2001
Ohio has been working on forming a state association of networks for the last year. Our ideal was that every member who joined a local DOVIA (network) would also join the state association and the national association (one fee for all). We wanted very much to link the local member with others in the state and in the country. A steering committee has worked a year to draft a plan. We wanted to be the OhioAVA. We negotiated with AVA to bring all the DOVIA members of Ohio (500-700 members) to national membership. But, we could not do this and charge $40.00 for AVA, $15 or $20 for a state level membership and then some local membership fee. We currently have networks that charge no local fee and we have at least one network that charges $40.00 for local fee. After months of negotiation we were unable to come to any agreement with AVA. AVA only sees itself offering the individual membership and could not at this time approach our group membership option. The steering committee, however, believes there is a need to collaborate and strengthen our networks around the state and so is continuing to explore the development of a state wide, virtual association. We have had a wonderful example of the need to work together. Some very restrictive legislation was proposed in Ohio for the screening of volunteers. The Central Ohio Network jumped on it, got others in the state to come to legislative hearing, worked on task forces, and brought about significant change in the legislation. It only happened because we had begun to form a statewide connection and we were able to mobilize people and speak with a united voice. This has really pushed us to get organized. Several exciting options have presented themselves and we hope the Ohio Network of Volunteer Administrations will be a vital force in the professional development of support of those working in the volunteer management fields in Ohio. We'll keep you posted. We may be creating a new model that others can adapt.

Fri, 01/26/2001
I am a member of AVA, NCAVA (The North Carolina Association of Volunteer Administration) and our local DOVIA group, Volunteer Burke. For a number of years, I have believed that North Carolina has the model for the organization of volunteer administrators. We have the international organization through AVA and we have the statewide organization that provides certification in volunteer management. In addition, local affiliates (DOVIAs) are now working through the NC Commission on Volunteerism & National Service and the Community College system to provide statewide Basics in Volunteer Management courses. We are international and grassroots. What a model to involve volunteer managers at all levels -- AND we have Internet!